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Orlando on sabbatical

Orlando Crespo

Orlando Crespo started his sabbatical officially in October.

The past seven years have been a time of explosive growth for both our ministry on campus and for our Staff team. Through it all, Orlando has been an incredible leader and shepherd, not only to LaFe, but to all of InterVarsity.

Here are seven ways you can pray for Orlando during his sabbatical:

- Pray that Orlando would be able to unplug from all of his InterVarsity responsibilities

- Pray that the Lord would give Orlando healthy and restorative rest

- Pray that the time Orlando spends with his family would be filled with joy

- Pray that Orlando would have meaningful opportunities to learn from the last seven years

- Pray that the Lord would offer Orlando guidance for his next season of ministry

- Pray that the time Orlando invests in this sabbatical would prepare him for the road ahead

- Pray for LaFe and InterVarsity, that we'd all be prepared to receive Orlando when he returns.

Orlando's sabbatical will run until April 2018. In the meantime, Rene Aguirre will be serving as our interim National Director. If you need to contact him, Rene's email is

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